Paid Commmunity Owners !!!

I will retain your customers by preventing member cancellations through systems/process that stop customer churn

Most paid communities struggle with member cancellations or churn. Even if you have a cult-like following, you're still not safe. Just look at HamzaI know you've heard this a lot of times where people say ''you're leaving money on the table" but believe me when I say it's true.If you have 200 members who pay you $50/mo. That's $10k/mo.
If 10% of them leave, that's 20 people and you just lost $1k in MRR or $12k in ARR
This can be controlled.

Just so you can understand

Instead of writing some long text to convince you, how about I explain with some screenshots

4 months ago, he had 1500 members, now it's just 1000.Just to put this in perspective, he lost $64k in Monthly Reccurring Revenue or $774k in ARR. That's an insane amount of money to lose.Sure he still has 1k members paying him $129/mo which is $129k/mo or $1.5m/year but it would have been nice if he retained them.

Get a clear view of how this works

Most paid communities struggle with Churn because the members lack two 'R's - not Rolls RoyceResults | RelationshipsPeople join your community or coaching programs because they have a need that needs to be solved or a gap that should be filled and in this age where people are impatient, if they don't see any results, they'll leave.People come for the result but they also stay for the relationship. By the time your community grows and passes the 200 member mark, it's harder to maintain a consistent relationship and keep up with them.So you have to solve this problem before it comes up or else you'll be out trying to fight fires that you could have prevented


Step 1

We set up the onboarding systems/process and automations for your community so that when new members join, they get a streamlined journey from the time they join to when they start seeing results.

Step 2

We build the systems/processes, automations and talent for support and accountability.
That way we're able to:
- reach out to each member to make sure they're actually putting in the work so that they get to acheive their results
- track the attendance of each member in the community to make sure no one misses for more than 4 days and reaching out to see if the member is stuck or has any problem

Step 3

We assign accountability partners to the members, so they get to have to healthy competition for themselves.

Step 4

After some time we’ll reflect on the results, optimize and if interested, scale the operation.
A 4-step process that anyone can understand…
Because there is no need to over-complicate things in business.
Complications just cause headaches… and I know you do not want that.

Your Customer Life Time Value will be increased because of this...

If you priced your community at $50/mo and members only stayed for an average of 4 months.
That means you only made $200 from each customer.
By the time I work with you and increase that number to 13 months, that's 650 bucks for each extra $450And as Hormozi says, it is easier and cheaper to make money from an existing customer than a new customer.Let's get to work so you can prevent churn for your community

Case studies: Learn my thesis on fixing churn for these creators
This is specifically to their communities and i crea

Would you like me to create something like this for you - a 6 page google doc that will show you how I plan to solve the problem of member cancellation for youI'll give you all the SOP, automations, insights and talent needed

Fill the calendly form
- Put your community name
- How many members you've lost
And I'll create one and send to you

Not convinced enough ?
Get my case study of how I helped my local gyms to reduce churn and how I plan to save paid communities